Water and Sanitation
Contamination survey and design of remediation in the industrial area of Hargia in Ulaanbaatar
Tender: Contamination survey and design of remediation in the industrial area of Hargia in Ulaanbaatar
Implementation period: 2010-2012
Implementing partner: DEKONTA, a.s.
Budget for the project: 20 364 000 CZK
20 364 000 CZK
2010 - 2012
The project aimed to improve the environment (mainly for the ecosystems bounded on the river Tull) and health of population in the area of Hargia in the Khan-Uul Khoroo district (Ulaanbaatar). The project contributed to extending the possibilities of using the industrial complex in Hargia and reduced health risks posed to local workers and residents, who use water from the Tuul River without any treatment. The project also provided the highest administrative authorities with documents necessary to make competent decisions concerning sanitation of the industrial area, including groundwater and surface water treatment. In the long run, the results of the project will contribute to healthy development of Ulaanbaatar and to protection of the ecosystem of the Tuul River. The project included contamination survey, installation of monitoring probes in areas threatened by contamination, testing of selected way of remediation and design of necessary technical measures in the process of tannery waste treatment and removal of sludge and contaminated soil and their safe disposal in the Morin Dava landfill located in Ulaanbaatar.