Comprehensive support for the sustainable development of the educational quality assessment system in Ukraine
16 000 000

The project "Comprehensive support for the sustainable development of the educational quality assessment system in Ukraine" responds to the need to ensure equal access to quality education in Ukraine, which is crucial for the development of a democratic and prosperous society. The education quality assessment system in Ukraine faces challenges in terms of capacity and efficiency, which negatively affects the quality of education at all levels. 

The project aims to strengthen the capacity of the State Service for Quality of Education in Ukraine and increase the efficiency of its activities, with the EvaluEd information system as a key evaluation tool. This system is expected to cover at least 95% of Ukrainian schools by the end of 2025. Key deliverables include training of staff of the State Service for Quality of Education, implementation of an e-learning platform and ensuring wider involvement of schools in the evaluation of the quality of education. The project is implemented by the Association for International Affairs in cooperation with the Czech School Inspectorate, with support from the Czech Development Agency and partners in Ukraine, the State Service for Quality of Education of Ukraine and the Research and Methodological Centre for Quality of Education.