Not applicable
Capacity Building in Environmental Geology - Mapping of Geo-risk Including Hydrogeological Condition in Dila and Hosaina areas
Budgetary measure: Capacity Building in Environmental Geology - Mapping of Geo-risk Including Hydrogeological Condition in Dila and Hosaina areas
Implementation period: 2012 - 2014
Implementing partner: Czech Geological Survey
Budget for the year 2012: 4 000 000 CZK
Budget for the year 2013: 3 999 400 CZK
12 000 000 CZk
2012 - 2014
The project „Capacity building in environmental geology” builds on previous project implemented by the Czech Development Agency, whose aim was the development and protection of water sources in arid western lowlands and adjacent parts of the Ethiopian plateau.

The project aims to establish cooperation in the field of disaster prevention and preparedness. Main areas of concern are soil erosion and sustainability of water sources and other natural resources. The project should support Ethiopian government in its efforts to improve living conditions of Ethiopian citizens and organizations, with special attention being paid to their ability to reduce poverty with their own powers. This should be achieved by developing capacities in the field of geology, geological risks evaluation and hydrogeology, which will contribute to the protection of environment and sustainable use of natural resources.

One of the project objectives is therefore increased work efficiency of Geological Survey of Ethiopia (GSE), which should be achieved by increasing the professional qualifications of its staff and providing equipment that is necessary for GSE to be able to use gained know-how and also to apply newly introduced methods after project completion. Project will focus mainly on the transfer of expertise in the areas of engineering-geological and hydrogeological maps editing, compiling individual sheets of maps during editing, presenting newly created maps and explaining their use in practice. A list of equipment that is to be delivered to the beneficiaries during the project implementation has been prepared.

More information can be found here (nové okno)