Not applicable Not applicable
Capacity and knowledge building leading to the involvement of medical device manufacturers in foreign development cooperation
Type: Grant
Implementing partner: Asociace výrobců a dodavatelů zdravotnických prostředků
Budget for the year 2019: 629 000 CZK
799 400,- CZK
The Health Care and Health Prevention project supported coordination and capacity building of actors working in foreign development cooperation. Many of the Association's members already have experience with foreign development cooperation (FDC). The aim of the project was to involve existing and new members in FDC systematically and to act as a sectoral health network of companies to share experiences, know-how and organise training seminars. Through the professional platform "Association of Manufacturers and Suppliers of Medical Supplies", the project aimed to implement a number of activities that primarily led to building the professional capacity of the Association's members to successfully engage in foreign development cooperation. The newly established network, which could also include non-members of the Association, i.e. other Czech manufacturers of medical devices, technologies and services, whose solutions could offer more comprehensive solutions that are now required of service providers in international development cooperation. The project aimed at creating a unified marketing presentation and creating a service offering. In addition to creating a modern marketing presentation for the cooperating network, the project also included mapping opportunities for involvement in international FDC and creating a strategy for this newly formed health network.