Assistance in Increasing Quality of Higher Education in Ukraine
Grant: Transfer of Best Practices in School Management and International Cooperation to PHDPU
Implementation period: 2015 – 2017
Implementing partner: AMO
Financial resources provided by CzDA in 2015: 813 660 CZK
Financial resources provided by CzDA in 2016: 738 033 CZK
Financial resources provided by CzDA in 2017: 339 618 CZK

Grant: Support of study programmes development, university self-government and international mobility on selected universities in Ukraine
Implementation period: 2015 – 2017
Implementing partner: Palacký University in Olomouc
Financial resources provided by CzDA in 2015: 382 238 CZK
Financial resources provided by CzDA in 2016: 763 840 CZK

Grant: Support of harmonization of Bologna principles of European Higher Education of Ukrainian agricultural universities
Implementation period: 2015 - 2016
Implementing partner: The Czech University of Life Sciences Prague
Financial resources provided by CzDA in 2015: 198 800 CZK
Financial resources provided by CzDA in 2016: 745 000 CZK

Grant: Progressive university management
Implementation period: 2017 - 2018
Implementing partner: Masaryk University
Financial resources provided by CzDA in 2017: 820 050 CZK

Grant: Support of study programmes development, quality management and international mobility on selected universities in Ukraine
Implementation period: 2017 - 2018
Implementing partner: Palacký University Olomouc
Financial resources provided by CzDA in 2017: 616 916 CZK

Grant: Development of international cooperation with Ukrainian universities in the field of energetics and transportation
Implementation period: 2017 - 2018
Implementing partner: University of West Bohemia
Financial resources provided by CzDA in 2017: 322 382 CZK
4 001 571 CZK
2015 - 2017
This project is aimed at assisting Ukrainian universities with transformation of study programmes and creation of study plans, supporting both development of university self-government and democratic principles in university governance, and furthermore improvement of Ukrainian students’ international exchange. The purpose of the project is based on the core needs of a transforming Ukrainian society which needs to strengthen democratic principles in the governance of the country and its major institutions, enable the development of international exchange and draw on other countries experience with implementing of European standards of higher education and also gain experience with implementing the Bologna process. The project aims to meet the above mentioned needs in the form of an educational programme for Ukrainian university staff. The educational programme will be implemented in the form of three distance learning courses followed by workshops focused on the above mentioned topics. Courses and workshops are designed for representatives of Ukrainian universities.


The project responds to the interest of the Ukrainian Pereyaslav-Khmelnitsky State Pedagogical University named afterGrigory Skovoroda to initiate participation in European academic mobility programs and introduce a new course of School management, which is in line with the reforms in the education sector in Ukraine.

In cooperation with School Management Centre of the Pedagogical Faculty of Charles University in Prague extensive trainings and round tables for the Ukrainian academicians will be organized and Czech experts will also assist them in the course preparation.

Experts from the Centre of International Cooperation of the Masaryk University will initiate participation in academic mobility programs such Erasmus and Horizon 2020. Based on those trainings new methodological materials for international cooperation will be launched at the PHDPU.