What Is the Link Between Sewage Management of Moldovan Cities and Moldova's Integration to the EU?

Meeting the requirement of the European directive 91/271/EHS on urban sewage management is conditional to both further development of water infrastructure and related services and to the country's integration to the EU. To improve water quality is one of the Moldovan government's top priorities, that is also in line with SDGs - specifically the goal target 6.3: to improve water quality by reducing pollution, eliminating dumping and minimizing release of hazardous chemicals and materials, halving the proportion of untreated wastewater and substantially increasing recycling and safe reuse globally.

Moldova implements projects focused on specific aspects of water management on local and international lever, all of them aim to partial completion of the directive's requirements. For example, the project aimed at measurement methods of the agglomeration size implemented in cooperation with the Moldovan Ministry of Environment and the Romanian expert Mihaeli Popovici. Similarly, there has been a project on sewage management and the delineation of agglomerations and of risk areas in the river basin, financed by SlovakAid and implemented together with the Research Institute of Water Management in Bratislava.

 The CzechAid's project  "Harmonization of legislation with the EU directive for waste water management" stems from the concept of the Program of Development Cooperation Moldova 2011-2017 within which the Czech Republic intervenes in the sector of water and sanitation. Delineation of risk areas and agglomerations in line with the directive 91/271/EHS and improvement of water management knowledge of Moldovan experts active in public administration and water infrastructure operations. Experts from the Moldovan Ministry of Environment and the Water Management Office thus visited the Czech Republic in November. The complex programme of their visit consisted not only of lectures on European legislation but also of excursions to the water treatment stations Želivka, Pelhřimov and others. Consequently, the experts continued their visits at the Main Treatment Plan in Prague and at the very end they discussed the problém of urban sewage management at the Czech Ministry of Environment.