Health For Georgia: Interview with prof. Trka
CzechAid has supported the construction and technical equipment of a PCR laboratory in Tbilisi with 4 million Czech crowns. Another 700 thousand Czech crowns have been allocated to trainings of local medial staff that will continue to work in the PCR laboratory but this time newly empowered with knowledge. Thanks to the investment the Georgian medical staff can analyze blood samples, and diagnose rare cancerous diseases of blood cells.

The leading expert in child haematology, head of the laboratory of molecular genetics at the Children's Clinics of Haematology in Motol, Prague and the Vice-dean for science, research and doctoral studies at the Charles University prof. Trka has provided an interview on the project.

In Georgia there are around 45 cases of child leukaemia registered every year. 10 % of these children are then treated for leukaemia repeatedly. As a result of the project, Georgian children benefit from the highest technology including the PCR diagnostic method, flow cytometric analysis and many other useful diagnostic methods. You can read more about the project in Czech language.