CzDA continues supporting the Institute of Metrology of Bosnia and Herzegovina
The project Extension of Capacities of the Institute of Metrology of Bosnia and Herzegovina (IMBiH), which is focused on increasing capacities of the institution and gaining international recognition of respective quantities used in laboratories, will have a follow-up part taking place up until December 2019. Final recipients of the project are all citizens of Bosnia and Herzegovina who will obtain a good quality metrology infrastructure. For example, the project enables measuring the flow rate in LPG stations, which serves as consumer protection.

In the framework of the already finished project, selected standards and methods of measuring for clients from the energy sector were set, which enabled providing the basic metrology services in this field and consequently acquiring the international recognition of technical eligibility of selected physical and technical quantities from the International Committee for Weights and Measures.

The integral part of the project is the promotion of the IMBiH’s services among potential and existing clients in Bosnia and Herzegovina, alternatively in the region of Western Balkans. Therefore, a system of communication with potential and current clients of IMBiH has been established, including the evaluation of its efficiency. Moreover, specific communication and promotion activities in the form of consultations and good practice sharing are being supported.

Trust in local institutions needs to be strengthened

“Transfer of the unique Czech experience in device installation, preparation of methodology, acquisition of international certifications and communication with clients will bolster the position of the Institute of Metrology of Bosnia and Herzegovina and thereby will contribute to increasing its credibility as a local institution of public administration,” says Eva Lacinová, project manager for the public administration and civil society projects from the Czech Development Agency (CzDA), and adds: “Support of resilient and stable institutions on both local and national level is one of the key areas for strengthening the trust in local institutions and public officials, ensuring economic growth in Bosnia and Herzegovina and boosting the country’s participation on the international scene. The Institute of Metrology of Bosnia and Herzegovina belongs to these resilient and stable institutions. That is why it has become a recipient of various national and international projects.”

The direct target group of the project consists of the employees of IMBiH, especially laboratory technicians, assistants and others. The indirect target group is represented by other workers dealing with metrology infrastructure, such as employees of technical universities, scientific institutions or inspection offices. Even though their capacities will not be built in the framework of the project, they will also be working with the metrology infrastructure.

“Czech Metrology Institute (CMI) will be involved in the project primarily through the engagement of its employees from the laboratories for measuring quantity of liquid fuels, quantity of gaseous fuels, quality of liquid fuels and ionizing radiation,” says Jiří Tesař, statutory representative of CMI, head of fundamental metrology department and technical supervisor of the project. Besides CMI and the Czech Academy of Sciences, other experts selected in the open competition run by CMI and CzDA will take part in the project.

“Our institute has a similar transformation experience with a gradual capacity building as the Czech Metrology Institute. After the disintegration of the Czechoslovak federation, the former Czechoslovak metrology institute has remained on the territory of Slovakia in compliance with the territorial principle. It was necessary to take steps to restore the metrology infrastructure in the newly established Czech Republic – i.e. to undertake similar steps as we do now in our institute after the break-up of Yugoslavia,” explains the director of IMBiH Zijad Džemič.

The project was also presented in a special TV debate broadcast by Bosnian television. Guests of the debate were Jacob Skalník, Ambassador of the Czech Republic in Bosnia and Herzegovina, CMI specializing officer and statutory representative, Jiří Tesař and the director of Metrology Institute of Bosnia and Herzegovina Zijada Jemiec. A broadcast can be found here. The debate itself starts at 9 minutes and 35 seconds