The umbrella organization CONCORD is made up of national platforms of NGOs of all EU member countries and it stands for one of the main partners of European Institutions in terms of development policy. Since 2005 it regularly publishes the AidWatch report that summarizes the state of development aid provided by EU member states and the European Commission.
According to the report the political events and trends across Europe had far-reaching implications on official development aid (ODA). Only five European countries (Luxembourg, Sweden, Denmark, Holland and the United Kingdom) achieved the 0.7% ODA/GNI target. Some EU member states actually cut ODA. Despite the fact that the OECD's Development Assistance Committee makes efforts to modernize the system of ODA, based on the report the European donors' transparency has reduced. Another finding of the analysis is the recommendation to involve the private sector in the development cooperation even more closely in order to activate funds other than those provided by states and international institutions.
The whole report is available here.