Not applicable
MHPP (mini hydro power plant) Cheptui, Uganda

Type: grant
Implementing partner: HYDROPOL Project & Management a.s.
Location: Uganda
Budget for the year 2022: 496 400 CZK

1 312 500 CZK

The principal aim of the project is to prepare a Feasibility Study for MVE (small hydropower plants) Cheptui, with an estimated installed capacity of 5.0 MW. The project is located in the district of Kapchorwa, the eastern region of Uganda. It is expected that the produced energy will be evacuated to the existing network of the state energy company UETCL (Uganda Electricity Transmission Company Limited). The feasibility study will be prepared as a basic document for assessing the technical, socio-economic and commercial feasibility of the project, it also serves as a basic reference summary document for project presentation and securing the follow-up permitting process with relevant authorities and institutions and discussing the conditions of project implementation and its connection to the state energy networks with ERA - Energy Regulatory Agency.