Not applicable
Design of drainage and treatment of produced wastewater in Sekongang town, Indonesia

Type: grant
Implementing partner: Sweco Hydroprojekt a.s.
Location: Indonesia
Budget for the year 2022: 450 100 CZK

1 021 150 CZK

The project concept, which will be elaborated in the feasibility study, is to assess the wastewater management in a town of Sekongkang and to prepare a suitable technical solution for drainage and treatment of produced wastewater which is currently discharged unregulated in the area of interest and thus contaminate groundwater, which is the only source of drinking water for local residents. This puts an enormous strain on the lives of the locals. The project aims to transfer innovative technology in the field of wastewater treatment, support sanitation and improve the environment of the local population and at the same time to open a new business market for Sweco Hydroprojekt and establish new business contacts in the country in order to develop the business environment further. The feasibility study will define the possibilities of the investment plan from the point of view of the objectives of the Czech Republic's foreign development cooperation, and thanks to it, it will be possible to plan the investments needed to improve the current situation and thus significantly help prevent further environmental contamination. At the same time, the study will shape the investment plan for a more detailed elaboration and subsequent implementation.