Tender: Feasibility study for wastewater treatment plant in Briceni
Implementation period: 2016
Implementing partner: TÜV Rheinland Česká republika s.r.o.
Financial resources provided by CzDA in 2016: 356 950 CZK
Tender: Camera survey of the sewage system in Briceni
Implementation period: 2017
Implementing partner: Lukáš Hladík
Financial resources provided by CzDA in 2017: 452 007,50 CZK
Tender: Preparation of project documentation for the construction of a wastewater treatment plant
Implementation period: 2018
Implementing partner: SHDP + G-servis (Sweco Hydroprojekt a.s., G-servis Praha spol. s r.o.)
Financial resources provided by CzDA in 2018: 2 500 000 CZK
Tender: Construction of a wastewater treatment plant in Bricemi
Implementation period: 2019-2023
Implementing partner: WWTP Briceni (Ircon, s.r.o., EKOSYSTEM spol. s r.o.)
Budget for the year 2019: 5 767 901,50 CZK
Budget for the year 2020: 25 379 555,37 CZK
Budget for the year 2021: 18 958 569,03 CZK
Budget for the year 2022: 3 866 912,41 CZK
Budget for the year 2023: 0,- CZK
Budget for the year 2024: 0,- CZK
Tender: Technical supervision for the construction of the wastewater treatment plant
Implementation period: 2020-2023
Implementing partner: Ion Scutari
Budget for the year 2020: 72 803,- CZK
Budget for the year 2021: 135 941,62 CZK
Budget for the year 2022: 205 667,- CZK
Budget for the year 2023: 12 114,03,- CZK
Tender: Author's supervision for the construction of a wastewater treatment plant
Implementation period: 2021-2024
Executor: Sweco Hydroprojekt a.s.
Budget for the year 2021: 49 000,- CZK
Budget for the year 2022: 340 455,- CZK
Budget for the year 2023: 24 500,- CZK
Budget for the year 2024: 78 989,- CZK
Budget (planned) for the year 2025: 78 989,- CZK
Technical-economic study for connecting part of the town to the WWTP, building a sewer system
Implementation period: 2023-2024
Executor: prof. Ing. Hlavínek Petr, CSc., MBA
Budget for the year 2023: 420 536,- CZK
Budget for the year 2024: 0,- CZK
ZRS budget (planned) for 2025: 486 964,- CZK
Tender: Measurement campaign for the metabolic and hydraulic parameters of wastewater in Briceni
Implementation period: 2024
Implementing partner: BONCOM LTD
Budget for the year 2024: 574 531,24 CZK
The town of Briceni has approached the Czech Republic with a request for cooperation in improving the quality of groundwater and surface water. The problems are mainly caused by inadequate wastewater management and an outdated sewerage network, much of which was built in the 1970s. Due to limited maintenance, wastewater leaks into the soil and groundwater. The project aims to construct a wastewater treatment plant (WWTP) and reconstruct pumping stations and the sewerage network.
The construction of the WWTP for 5,000 equivalent population started in August 2019. On February 28, 2022, the newly constructed WWTP was handed over to the beneficiary for operation, and a one-year trial operation was started simultaneously. In parallel, the main pumping station was technologically equipped, while the city financed the reconstruction of the outdoor part of the station. The ceremonial handover of the WWTP to the City of Briceni took place on 10 October 2022 (see press release with photos).
At the same time, further intervention was promised by the Czech side to connect 25% of the town to this WWTP and to strengthen the pumping station capacity. To this end, a measurement campaign was carried out on the metabolic and hydraulic parameters of the wastewater in Briceni (2024) and a techno-economic study was commissioned which, among other things, will propose to the city a solution for the extension of the existing sewer network.