Vocational training for vulnarable children Katongo
Grant: Vocational training for vulnarable children Katongo
Implementation period: 2011-2013
Implementing partner: Njovu o.p.s.
Budget for the year 2011: 1 852 500 CZK
Budget for the year 2012: 2 166 000 CZK
Budget for the year 2013: 1 691 000 CZK
5 709 500 CZK
2011 - 2013
The project establishes and operates trainings in three professions - an electrician, a tailor and a baker The main idea of the project is to present graduates from elementary schools, high school students and youth aged 13–25 from rural communities in Western province with the opportunity to achieve vocational trainings and therefore increase their chances of finding a job in the local labor market. The project responds to the problem of increasing number of young people in Zambia who just finished their elementary or high school education, but due to small number of formal employers and the lack of practical skills have very small chance of finding a job.

The project promotes sustainable development of rural communities by diversification and rejecting the idea of subsistence agriculture by increasing economic activities in local markets. A very significant principle of the project is gender balance in recruitment of students into courses. The project trains approximately 150 students every year – 50 in each field. Courses are conducted in cooperation with existing educational institution Katongo Basic School.

The implementation began in spring 2011. By the end of the year three programs were registered: an electrician, a tailor and a chef/waiter as a substitute for a baker. However a chef/waiter study program serves the purpose as well, it offers students a possibility to work in hospitality services. During the first phase of the implementation repaired or newly build classrooms were equipped with necessary equipment and first students were admitted. In 2012 the school was fully functional; all courses were running in compliace with the plan. Furthermore, in the end of the year a baker study program was finally registered. At the same time the project was expanded to ensure financial sustainability – a new tailor workshop in the center of Mongu was opened. In 2013 all courses continue and new apprenticeship stores are to be opened thereby increasing availability of bakery and textile products and maintenance services.

Below you can watch a short film, created by Rozvojovka of People in Need."The Dressmaker" is a happy ending story of a woman supported by the project.