Support for improving the quality of scientific research, teaching and international activities at universities in Cambodia

Grant: Support for improving the quality of scientific research, teaching and international activities at universities in Cambodia
Implementation period: 2015-2016
Implementing partner: Czech University of Life Sciences Prague
Budget for the year 2016: 1 000 000 CZK

2 000 000 CZK
2015 - 2016

The project aims at improving the quality of research and the employability of graduates, as well as at developing international cooperation at the Royal University of Agriculture (RUA) and the Chea Sim University of Kamchaymear (CSUK). The overall project objective is to improve the quality of life sciences education at Cambodian universities through international cooperation. To achieve this objective, specialised seminars are held by Czech experts, methodical manuals are provided, and Career Days, summer schools and film festivals are organised for students. In order to enhance the development in the area of science and research, the scientific activities of RUA and CSUK are promoted and common research topics are accentuated.