Not applicable
Introduction of biomedical engineering in Cambodia

Introduction of biomedical engineering in Cambodia
Type: tender
Implementing partner: České vysoké učení technické v Praze
Budget for the year 2019: 1 447 500 CZK
Budget for the year 2021: 809 680 CZK

Tvorba laboratorních úloh biomedicínského inženýrství
Type: tender
Implementing partner: MŠMT
Budget for the year 2021: 816 171 CZK

2 999 595 CZK

Technical capacities needed for service, repairs and operation of medical technologies are missing in many Cambodian health facilities. The lack of qualified personnel capable to correctly use the equipment prevents these facilities from working to their full potential and often hampers the functionality and sustainability of the development projects aimed at procuring the high-quality medical technology. Many machines and their components are left unused in the hospitals due to the absence of specialized workers – biomedical technicians and engineers. Most of these professionals are hired from Europe, Singapore or Japan and their service is thus very expensive. This system does not allow for operative and flexible solutions to the problems when they arise. Cambodian high school education system currently does not include any institution, that would supply these specialized experts. The solution offered by this project is the introduction of a new study programme of biomedical engineering in cooperation with the University of Health Sciences (UHS), Institute of Technology of Cambodia (ITC) and Faculty of Biomedical Engineering at Czech Technical University (ČVUT) in Prague.