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Improving the level of science-research, pedagogical and international activities at Cambodian Universities

Grant: Improving the level of science- research, pedagogical and international activities at Cambodian Universities
Implementing Partner: Czech University of Life Sciences Prague
Budget for the year 2015: 1 000 000 CZK
Budget for the year 2016: 1 000 000 CZK

22/2015/11, 22/2016/11
2 000 000 CZK
2015 - 2016

The project is aimed at promoting the quality of higher agricultural education in Cambodia through cooperation between experts from the Czech University of Life Sciences Prague (CULS), Royal University of Agriculture (RUA) and Chea Sim University of Kamchaymear (CSUK). The main outcomes of the proposed project include supporting the development of science and research, employability of graduates and international activities at RUA and CSUK. Target groups are primarily teaching staff, scientists and technical staff, students and graduates of universities specifically Royal University of Agriculture (RUA) and Chea Sim University of Kamchaymear (CSUK).

In order to support scientific research and teaching activities of both universities will provide training workshops under the guidance of Czech experts prepared methodical manuals, reviewed the evaluation system of teaching, organized Career Days, Summer School and Film Festival for students. In the field of science and research will focus on the implementation of joint research topics and to increase the quality and promotion of their own scientific activities RUA and subsequently CSUK. The goal established scientific platform will identify priority areas for research proposal specific subjects of research. In the area of ​​foreign relations, attention will be focused mainly on encouraging mobility of students and teachers. The project will also provide the necessary supplementary material resources of the university and promotion of the project activities.