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Human Rights Based Spatial Planning in Cambodia as a Tool for Promotion of Tenure Security for the Most Vulnerable and Marginalized Groups

Grant: Human Rights Based Spatial Planning in Cambodia as a Tool for Promotion of Tenure Security for the Most Vulnerable and Marginalized Groups
Implementing Partner: People in Need
Budget for 2014 financed by the Czech Republic's ODA: 893 256 CZK


2014 - 2015

The project aims to contribute to the development and consolidation of the rule of law and respect for human rights and fundamental freedoms in Cambodia and specifically to stregthen tenure security and the right to adequate housing by providing alternatives to the forced eviction of poor urban dwellers in Phnom Penh. This is to be achieved thorugh raising awareness, hazard mapping and risk assessment and searching for satisfactory and win-win spatial solutions for all relevant stakeholders.

The project plans to provide technical assistance in urban planning and therefore improve standards of living and respect for human rights with a special emphasis on tenure security for 42,200 households by the end of 2015, while cooperating with municipal authorities, engaging all relevant stakeholders stakeholders and development of spatial planning as a field of study at the Royal University of Agriculture in Phnom Penh.